I have problem in my code, i set validation for check email if already in database, other validation its work but in validation for email not work
this my code in Controller
AuthController.register = (req, res) => {
.isEmail().withMessage( "must be provided" )
.custom((value, req ) => {
return AuthController.findUserByEmail(req, value).then(user => {
if(user == true){
return Promise.reject('E-mail already in use');
}).withMessage('E-mail already in use');
this code not retuning error, can help me for resolve this
Regarding express-validator, what you are doing wrong is the unwrapping of the 2nd argument to get req
; .custom()
takes a validator(value, { req, location, path })
Just change it like below:
// before
// .custom((value, req ) => {
// after
.custom((value, { req }) => {
...then, if your AuthController.findUserByEmail()
logic is correct, it should work as you expected ;)