Search code examples

search entire Sybase database for a string of data

I have a Sybase database and SQL Anywhere 16 for querying data. I need to find some example pieces of data in the database. There are hundreds of tables with unhelpful names.

I'm not a Sybase expert, although I do know the SQL language (I'm a SQL Server developer).

Is there a script that loops through all of the columns of all tables looking for this sample data?




  • You can try the following:

    CREATE TABLE "DBA"."table_track" (
    "Table_name" VARCHAR(200) NULL,
    "Column_name" VARCHAR(200) NULL,
    "ls_search" VARCHAR(2000) NULL
    ) IN "system";
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "DBA"."sp_get_data"(as_search   varchar(2000))
        DECLARE cur_test NO SCROLL cursor for select table_Name, column_name from Table_List ;
        DECLARE ls_sql varchar(20000);
        DECLARE ls_table_name varchar(80);
        DECLARE ls_column_name varchar(80);
        DECLARE ld_count Numeric(10,0);  
        DECLARE le_total_column_count   INTEGER;
        DECLARE le_counter  INTEGER;
        If Exists (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE name ='Table_List' AND Type='U') Then
            Drop Table Table_List;
         End IF;
        Into Table_List
        Inner Join
             sys.SYSTABCOL on sys.SYSTABLE.table_id = sys.SYSTABCOL.table_id
            sys.SYSTABLE.table_type = 'BASE'
            AND sys.SYSTABLE.creator = 1
            and count > 0
            and width >= 4
            AND sys.systable.table_name not in ('table_track')
            AND (sys.SYSTABCOL.base_type_str like '%char%' OR sys.SYSTABCOL.base_type_str like '%xml%');
        select count() into le_total_column_count from table_list;
        Message as_search to client;
        set le_counter = 0;
        Open cur_test;
        lp: loop
         Fetch Next cur_test into ls_table_name, ls_column_name; 
            If SQLCODE <> 0 Then
                LEAVE lp
            End If;
            SET le_counter = le_counter + 1;
            message 'Search column ' + string(le_counter) + ' of ' + string(le_total_column_count) TO CLIENT;
            Set ls_sql = 'select count(*) into ld_count from "' + ls_table_name + '" where "' + ls_column_name + '" like ''%'+ as_search + '%''';      
            EXECUTE (ls_sql);
            If SQLCODE <> 0 Then
                return -1;
            End If;
            If ld_count <> '' and ld_count is not null  Then
                If ISNULL(ld_count,0) > 0 Then
                    Insert into table_track (table_name,column_name,ls_search) values (ls_table_name,ls_column_name,as_search);
                END If;
            END If ;
        End Loop;
        Close cur_test;
        Deallocate cur_test;
        // Select * from table_track;
    call sp_get_data('test');
    select * from table_track;

    I think you can get the idea from this and then you can make changes according to your requirement.