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Maven Surefire plugin is not picking the parameters

Maven Surefire plugin is not picking the parameters. When I run the Regression Suite xml in eclipse it works fine. But the same xml does not work when I run as Maven test.For some reason it is not picking up the parameters. I have been struggling with this for a while. Please help. Thanks


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name= "RegressionTests">
    <!-- suite-file path="CreateUsers.xml"-->
    <suite-file path="ReportFormatting.xml" />
    <suite-file path="SectionsFormating.xml" />
    <suite-file path="ColumnFormatting.xml" />
    <suite-file path="AdvancedFunctions.xml" />
    <suite-file path="AnalysisStyle.xml" />
    <suite-file path="CalculatedFields.xml" />
    <suite-file path="Aggregration.xml" />
    <!-- suite-file path="Admin.xml"/-->

Here is my POM

<executable>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91\bin\javac.exe</executable>


Here is the error message

enParameter 'userName' is required by @Test on method Date_Aggregration but has not been marked @Optional or defined

    at org.testng.internal.Parameters.createParams(
    at org.testng.internal.Parameters.createParametersForMethod(
    at org.testng.internal.Parameters.createParameters(
    at org.testng.internal.Parameters.handleParameters(
    at org.testng.internal.ParameterHandler.handleParameters( code here

Here is my ReportFormatting.xml

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" >
<suite name="Regression - Report Formatting" verbose="1" configfailurepolicy="continue">

<listener class-name=""/>

	<parameter name="axisA" value="1" />
	<parameter name="axisB" value="2" />
	<parameter name="viewName" value="Ski Team"></parameter>

	<!-- this is your report data set -->
	<parameter name="rf1" value="Athlete Country" />
	<parameter name="rf2" value="Agency Country" />
	<parameter name="rf3" value="Invoiced Amount" />
	<parameter name="rf4" value="Athlete Counter" />
	<parameter name="rf5" value="Invoice Estimate" />
	<!-- Data Section font type and size fields -->
	<parameter name="fontType" value="Courier"></parameter>
	<parameter name="fontSize" value="16"></parameter>
	<!-- Column and Row Header font type and size  -->
	<parameter name="headerFontType" value="Helvetica"></parameter>
	<parameter name="headerFontSize" value="18"></parameter>
	<!-- Border Width  -->
	<parameter name="borderWidth" value="Thick"></parameter>
	<!-- Title and Description  -->
	<parameter name="displayTitleFontType" value="Roboto"></parameter>
	<parameter name="displayTitleFontSize" value="20"></parameter>
	<parameter name="displayDescFontType" value="Geneva"></parameter>
	<parameter name="displayDescFontSize" value="19"></parameter>
	<!-- yellowfin login credentials -->
	<parameter name="URL" value="" />
	<parameter name="userName" value="admin" />
	<parameter name="passsword" value="test" />
	<test name="ReportFormatting">
			<class name="">

					<include name="ValidateDataSection"></include>
					<include name="ValidateColumnandRowHeadingsandBorder"></include>
					<include name="ValidateTitleandDescription"></include>
					<include name="ValidateHeaderFooterandTableSort"></include>
					<!-- <include name=""></include> -->



  • The problem is in your pom file. You have bound the surefire-plugin to the integration-test phase and within surefire-plugin you have configured it to work with the suite xml file.

    But by default the super pom of all pom files also has a surefire-plugin that is defined to execute at the test phase. test phase comes before integration-test phase.

    So Maven is basically going to run surefire-plugin twice : Once for test phase and once for integration-test phase.

    Now since the test phase bound surefire-plugin is being executed without any suite file bound to it, I guess its finding @Test methods which are annotated with @Parameters annotation for which values are not being passed (remember that here no suite xml file is involved here), resulting in the error.

    To fix the problem please update the phase value of your surefire-plugin and

    • Change: <phase>integration-test</phase>
    • To: <phase>test</phase> (or you can remove the <phase> entry itself, which will cause Maven to fall back to defaults)