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Waiting for two different REST/Network calls to complete

I am making a lot of calls using REST and decided to separate these connection calls into a separate object, to be called from my UI classes. Here is the function I am using, it will not wait for the requests to be complete. I am not sure what I am doing wrong and have tried using many examples off stack and the net, including:

Wait until swift for loop with asynchronous network requests finishes executing

Waiting until the task finishes

//let loader = from Oauth2/p2_OAuth2 pod to load JSON
func ConnectionHandler()

        let dg = DispatchGroup()

        switch self.RequestType
        case aRequest:
            //if I make a single call here, works fine 
        case bRequest:
            //if I make a single call here, works fine 
        case abRequest:
            //when making requests for both type a and b, can’t get it to work

            loader.perform(request: self.userDataRequest)
            { response in
                    let json = try response.responseJSON()
                    self.structWrapper.aArray = self.loadAArray(dict: json)
                catch let error {
            self.dexRequestType = DexRequestTypesEnum.glucoseValues
            //ignore last line.  should be removed.
            loader.perform(request: self.userDataRequest)
            { response in
                    let json = try response.responseJSON()
                    self.structWrapper.bArray = self.loadBArray(dict: json)                }
                catch let error {
            dg.notify(queue: .main) 
                //will print, but requests are not complete, arrays are empty, even though breakpoints hit in loading them.
              for x in self.structWrapper.aArray                  
                 print(x.displayTime + ":" + x.units)
               for y in self.structWrapper.bArray
                print(y.displayTime + ":" + String(y.someNumber) 
                print(“tasks complete”)




  • you have to use

    dg.enter() before call Task

    dg.leave() after task finished

    Like that:

    func ConnectionHandler()
        let dg = DispatchGroup()
        switch self.RequestType
        case aRequest:
            //if I make a single call here, works fine 
        case bRequest:
            //if I make a single call here, works fine 
        case abRequest:
            //when making requests for both type a and b, can’t get it to work
            loader.perform(request: self.userDataRequest)
            { response in
                    let json = try response.responseJSON()
                    self.structWrapper.aArray = self.loadAArray(dict: json)
                catch let error {
            self.dexRequestType = DexRequestTypesEnum.glucoseValues
            loader.perform(request: self.userDataRequest)
            { response in
                    let json = try response.responseJSON()
                    self.structWrapper.bArray = self.loadBArray(dict: json)                }
                catch let error {
            group.notify(queue: .main) 
                //will print, but requests are not complete, arrays are empty, even though breakpoints hit in loading them.
              for x in self.structWrapper.aArray                  
                 print(x.displayTime + ":" + x.units)
               for y in self.structWrapper.bArray
                print(y.displayTime + ":" + String(y.someNumber) 
                print(“tasks complete”)