I am new to using NGRX/RXJS in my angular application, and I have a situation where I have to dispatch an action from my component, which fetches data from an API if the property is empty and updates Store_1 and set a property, and then dispatch another action which uses that data from Store_1 to perform some functions in Store_2 and update state after action 1 completes and fill in "pluralconfig". This is the code I came up with but I dont think/believe it's the most efficient way to do this, and If I'm using the operators correctly.
if(isEmpty(definition.pluralconfig == null))
this.store$.dispatch(new FormDBAction(definition.formId));
let id = definition.id;
this.formLoadSubscription = this.store$.select(getOrderById(id))
.filter(v => v.pluralconfig != null).subscribe(() =>{
this.store$.select<TosModel>(getOrderById(id)).subscribe(updatedDefinition => {
this.store$.dispatch(new OrderDetailAction(updatedDefinition));
this.store$.dispatch(new OrderDetailAction(definition));
All this logic should be in effects something like
//Effects file
loadOrderDetail$: = this.actions$.pipe(
flatMap(action => {
return this.store$.select<TosModel>(getOrderById(action.id)).pipe(first());
map(definition => definition.pluralconfig ? new FormDBAction(definition.formId): new OrderDetailAction(definition)})
formDb$: = this.actions$.pipe(
switchMap(action => {
///call api and fire new FormDbActionSuccess(response.definition) which reducer will store
onSuccessOrderDetail$: = this.actions$.pipe(
map(action => new OrderDetailAction(action.definition))
definition$ = this.store.select(getOrderById(id));
store.dispatch( new LoadOrderDetail(id));
Have a look of the ngrx example app in https://github.com/ngrx/platform/tree/master/projects/example-app Thats were I learn the most