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python add missing dates and update corresponding list

I have dates list with missing dates like

['2018-06-01', '2018-06-02', '2018-06-03', '2018-06-06']

And corresponding values list like


How can I add missing dates in sorted list and add 0 for corresponding index in values

Above values I parsed from below data

data = defaultdict(Counter)
defaultdict(<class 'collections.Counter'>, {'2018-06-01': Counter({u'Values': 1}), '2018-06-03': Counter({u'Values': 2})}

If I can add missing dates in defaultdict that will work as well.

It's not duplicate I don't just want to create dates I have to updates corresponding values list.


  • You create real datetimes from your data, begin and enddate. Then you create all possible dates between and assign a value of 0, then update for existing ones.

    import datetime
    dates = ['2018-06-01', '2018-06-02', '2018-06-03', '2018-06-06']
    occ = [3,5,3,7]
    startDate = datetime.datetime.strptime( dates[0], "%Y-%m-%d") # parse first date
    endDate   = datetime.datetime.strptime( dates[-1],"%Y-%m-%d") # parse last date 
    days = (endDate - startDate).days  # how many days between?
    # create a dictionary of all dates with 0 occurences
    allDates = {datetime.datetime.strftime(startDate+datetime.timedelta(days=k), 
                                           "%Y-%m-%d"):0 for k in range(days+1)}
    # update dictionary with existing occurences (zip creates (date,number) tuples)
    allDates.update(  zip(dates,occ) )
    # sort the unsorted dict, decompose its items & zip then, wich generates your lists again
    datesAfter,occAfter = map(list,zip(*sorted(allDates.items())))


    ['2018-06-01', '2018-06-02', '2018-06-03', '2018-06-04', '2018-06-05', '2018-06-06']
    [3, 5, 3, 0, 0, 7]
    {'2018-06-06': 7, 
     '2018-06-05': 0, 
     '2018-06-04': 0, 
     '2018-06-03': 3, 
     '2018-06-02': 5, 
     '2018-06-01': 3}

    Link: zip()