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I can't trigger a preview when dropping an image into an input field

I have a drop box to upload images to Cloudinary, which works fine, but I can't trigger a preview function when the images are dropped.

This is the HTML code:

<div class="card text-muted">
    <label id="upload" for="dropboxInput" class="card-block text-muted">
       <input type="file" name="file" data-url="CLOUDINARY_URL"
              data-form-data="{CLOUDINARY STUFF}" 
              data-cloudinary-field="file" class="cloudinary-fileupload"
              multiple="multiple" style="display:none" id="dropboxInput">

This is the code to trigger the function, which works fine when selecting the images after clicking the drop box:

var dropboxInput = document.getElementById("dropboxInput");
dropboxInput.onchange = function(){readURL(this)};

I have tried this, but it seems that is not getting the dropboxInput.value. The images, once dropped are uploaded:

var dropbox = document.getElementById("dropbox");
dropbox.ondrop = function(){

This is the preview function, which handles the preview:

function readURL(input){

       for (i = 0; i < input.files.length; i++) {
           var reader = new FileReader();

           reader.onload = function(event) {

In the input field CLOUDINARY STUFF is this:

<input type="file" name="file" data-url="" 
data-form-data="{&quot;eager&quot;:&quot;c_limit,h_768,w_1024&quot;,&quot;signature&quot;:&quot;1f5c7426f428ebd02bb45180767fd920716cc59e&quot;,&quot;api_key&quot;:&quot;185516472314647&quot;,&quot;eager_async&quot;:true,&quot;callback&quot;:&quot;/cloudinary_cors.html&quot;,&quot;tags&quot;:&quot;Punta de Vistalegre,2&quot;,&quot;use_filename&quot;:true,&quot;timestamp&quot;:&quot;1527959323&quot;}" 
data-cloudinary-field="file" class="cloudinary-fileupload"
multiple="multiple" style="display:none" id="dropboxInput">

When the images are droped, I don't find the way to pass them to the readURL() function.

Thanks in advance for any help.


  • The solution was into the cloudinary-fileupload function, which has the drop option, that handles the dropped files. The input field is generated programmatically with this Java code:

     String html = cloudinary.uploader().imageUploadTag("file", options, htmlOptions);

    And that's the implementation of the drop option:

       drop: function(e, data){