Search code examples

Flexible search find duplicates in database

I have two tables - Warehouse(id) and StockLevel (id, productCode).
The store has many StockLevels.

I want to find duplicates of StockLevel for the same product in the same store.
Ex: Warehouse"Minimarket" have two entries of StockLevel for product "Apple".

For now, I have this, but I'm not sure it works correct way:

select {wh.code}, {sl.productCode}, count({}) as cnt 
from {StockLevel as sl  
left join Warehouse as wh on {sl.warehouse}={}}  
group by ({wh.code}, {sl.productCode})
having count({}) > 1

| id | productCode | warehouse |
| 1 | "apple"     | "mini" |
| 2 | "apple"     | "mini" |
| 3 | "apple"     | "maxi" |
| 4 | "apple"     | "macro" |
| 5 | "orange"    | "mini" |

I want one of the first two entries (Id 1 and 2) to be selected(I do not really care which one).
Also I'm having problem - if I use this query in flexibleSearch, I can't cast it to entity (StockLevel) and adding {} to query corrupt it.


  • If you just want the "first" row, you can do:

    select w.*
    from warehouse w
    where exists (select 1
                  from warehouse w2
                  where w2.warehouse = w.warehouse and w2.code = w.code and >
                 ) and
          not exists (select 1
                      from warehouse w2
                      where w2.warehouse = w.warehouse and w2.code = w.code and <
                    ) ;