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Calculate probability of a fair dice roll (in non-exponential time)

Variations on this are pretty common questions, but all my google-fu has left me stumped. I would like to calculate the odds of a fair dice roll, but I want to do it efficiently. There are lots of examples out there of how to do this, but all the algorithms I've found are too computationally expensive (exponential time) to work for large numbers of dice with many sides.

The Simple Problem: Calculate the odds of a roll of n, on x y sided dice.

The Simple Solution: Create the n-ary Cartesian product of the roll, sum each product, count the number of times the sum is the target, do a little division and voila.

Example of a Simple Solution in Go:

The Simple Solution works perfectly. I extended it to allow for cases like dropping the highest/lowest n faces, and the results hold up to spot testing.

But consider {Count: 20,Sides: 20,DropHighest: 0,DropLowest:0, Target: 200}.

If I evaluated that with the previous solution, my "table" would have 104 some odd septillion cells and will max the CPU pretty easily.

Is there a more efficient way to calculate probability for large numbers of dice with many sides? If so, can it account for more complex selection of "success" conditions like dropping some dice?

I'm convinced it's possible due to the existence of this beautiful website:


The solution that worked best for me was David Eisenstat's answer, which I ported to go:


  • Here's some code that handles dropping low and high rolls. Sorry for switching to Python, but I needed easy bignums and a memoization library to keep my sanity. I think the complexity is something like O(count^3 sides^2 drop_highest).

    The way this code works is to divide the space of possibilities for rolling count dice each with sides sides by how many dice are showing the maximum number (count_showing_max). There are binomial(count, count_showing_max) ways to achieve such a roll on uniquely labeled dice, hence the multiplier. Given count_showing_max, we can figure out how many maxed dice get dropped for being high and how many get dropped for being low (it happens) and add this sum to the outcomes for the remaining dice.

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import collections
    import functools
    import math
    def binomial(n, k):
        return math.factorial(n) // (math.factorial(k) * math.factorial(n - k))
    def outcomes(count, sides, drop_highest, drop_lowest):
        d = collections.Counter()
        if count == 0:
            d[0] = 1
        elif sides == 0:
            for count_showing_max in range(count + 1):  # 0..count
                d1 = outcomes(count - count_showing_max, sides - 1,
                              max(drop_highest - count_showing_max, 0),
                count_showing_max_not_dropped = max(
                    min(count_showing_max - drop_highest,
                        count - drop_highest - drop_lowest), 0)
                sum_showing_max = count_showing_max_not_dropped * sides
                multiplier = binomial(count, count_showing_max)
                for k, v in d1.items():
                    d[sum_showing_max + k] += multiplier * v
        return d
    def main(*args):
        d = outcomes(*args)
        denominator = sum(d.values()) / 100
        for k, v in sorted(d.items()):
            print(k, v / denominator)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        main(5, 6, 2, 2)