I don't find a reason why the filter
function seems to output something different than the smoothdata
function. They both should implement a windowSize of 5
smoothing using a moving average. Can someone versed in these functions explain what's happening?
Here's the >link< to the documentation, code below adapted from there, added smoothdata
(and for additional puzzle, the smooth
function, that is also not the same):
% from documentation
t = linspace(-pi,pi,100);
rng default %initialize random number generator
x = sin(t) + 0.25*rand(size(t));
windowSize = 5;
b = (1/windowSize)*ones(1,windowSize);
a = 1;
y = filter(b,a,x);
%this is added for this example, you need >Matlab 2017a to run this
%y3=smooth(x,100); %bug in the code (obsolete)
%now plot data
hold on
legend('Input Data','Filtered Data','smoothdata','smooth')
%show obvious parts of plot
xlim([0 3]);
ylim([0 1.25]);
Here's what I get as output:
Here's some inconsistency in the first part of the plot:
%this is added for this example, you need >Matlab 2017a to run this
y2 = smoothdata(x,'movmean',[windowSize-1,0]);
y3 = smoothdata(padarray(x,[0 2]),'movmean',[windowSize-1,0]);
%now plot data
figure(1); clf;
hold on
legend('Input Data','Filtered Data','smoothdata',['padded ' char(10) 'smoothdata'])
%show obvious parts of plot
xlim([-3.1784 -2.3858]);
The window
parameter for smoothdata
, if scalar, yields a window centered around the origin. filter
implements a causal filter, meaning that it takes the mean of windowSize
previous samples. Thus, the difference between these two results is a shift of windowSize/2
samples. You can see this shift clearly in your plot. Use two parameters to simulate the result of filter
y2 = smoothdata(x,'movmean',[windowSize-1,0])
The smooth
function also implements a moving average, the second parameter is the window size. You are using 100
here, instead of windowSize
, which has a value of 5
. Thus, this result is the average over 20 times as many values. Replicate the result using the right window size:
y3 = smooth(x,windowSize);
I presume y3
will be shifted w.r.t. the filter
result, just like y2
was in the question.