I have a model and want to add an entire new pathway to it. Some of the metabolites already exist in the model, others have to be created. I also have to add GPRs to the reactions using genes not yet present in the model.
I found the function addReaction
, but always get an error when I use it:
import cbmpy
cmod = cbmpy.CBRead.readSBML3FBC('model.xml')
AssertionError: ERROR: requires a Reaction object, not something of type
<type 'str'>
Any ideas how I can pass a reaction object and add metabolites and a GPR?
You are looking for createReaction
. The following will work (I use the model from this question):
import cbmpy as cbm
mod = cbm.CBRead.readSBML3FBC('e_coli_core.xml')
This will print
Reaction "R_foo" bounds set to: -INF <= R_foo <= INF Add reagents with cmod.createReactionReagent(R_foo, metabolite, coefficient)
So, by default, one adds reversible reactions (see below how to add an irreversible one) and it also tells you how to add reagents.
Let's first assume that you add a reactions for which all reagents are already present in the model. Then you can use createReactionReagent
to add reagents along with their stoichiometric factor like this:
mod.createReactionReagent('R_foo', 'M_fum_c', -1.)
mod.createReactionReagent('R_foo', 'M_nh4_c', 5.)
We can check whether the reaction was added correctly:
will return
[(-1.0, 'M_fum_c'), (5.0, 'M_nh4_c')]
You can then easily add a GPR to the reaction using createGeneProteinAssociation
mod.createGeneProteinAssociation('R_foo', 'gene_1 or gene_2')
Again the check whether it worked as intended:
'((gene_1 or gene_2))'
If the genes are not present in the model, they will be added automatically:
will return
['gene_1', 'gene_2']
As you want to add an entire pathway, we do the same now for a second reaction with a reagent not yet part of the model:
# add an irreversible reaction
mod.createReaction('R_bar', reversible=False)
mod.createReactionReagent('R_bar', 'M_succ_c', -1.5)
Let's assume, the metabolite you want to add is called A
, then
mod.createReactionReagent('R_bar', 'A', 1.0)
will fail with
AssertionError: Metabolite A does not exist
That means that we first have to create it using createSpecies
mod.createSpecies('A', name='species A', compartment='c', charge=-2, chemFormula='C1H2O3')
The arguments name
till chemFormula
are not required. Now you can call
mod.createReactionReagent('R_bar', 'A', 1.0)
You can check this question on how to add additional annotation to the species or reactions.
You might then also want to add all reactions belonging to this pathway into a group which makes accessing the reactions very easy later on:
pw_reactions = ['R_foo', 'R_bar']
# create an empty group
# we can only add objects to a group so we get the reaction object for each reaction in the pathway
reaction_objects = [mod.getReaction(ri) for ri in pw_reactions]
# add all the reaction objects to the group
Now you can access the members of this group using
# returns ['R_foo', 'R_bar']
if you are interested in the reaction IDs or
if you are interested in the reaction objects themselves.