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Testing extension functions inside classes

If we want to test an extension function on a type, we can create an instance of this type, call the function and check the returned value. But what about testing extension functions defined inside classes?

abstract class AbstractClass<T> {
    fun doStuff(): T = "Hello".foo()

    abstract fun T

class SubClass1: AbstractClass<Int>() {
    override fun Int = 1

class SubClass2: AbstractClass<Boolean>() {
    override fun Boolean = true

How do we test the logic of the methods foo() in classes SubClass1 and SubClass2? Is it even possible?

I know I can change the design to test it. Two possibilities have occurred to me:

  1. Don't use extension functions. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    abstract class AbstractClass<T> {
        fun doStuff(): T = foo("Hello")
        abstract fun foo(string: String): T
    class SubClass1: AbstractClass<Int>() {
        override fun foo(string: String): Int = 1

    Then we can create an object SubClass1, call foo() and check the returned value.

  2. Create additional extension functions with internal visibility just to test the logic.

    class SubClass1: AbstractClass<Int>() {
        override fun Int = internalFoo()
    internal fun String.internalFoo(): Int = 1

    Then we can create an object String, call internalFoo() and check the returned value. However, I don't like this solution because we could change the body of override fun Int and our test would pass.

So, is it possible to test extension functions inside classes? If not, how would you change your design in order to test their logic?


  • Since tests should be written from the client's perspective, I'm not sure it would be a valid test. But I did come up with one way to test it.

    fun `test extension function`() {
        var int = 0
        SubClass1().apply {
            int = "blah".foo()
        assertThat(int, `is`(1))