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Ambiguous reference to member 'first(where:)' error when referencing child view controller

I am writing an iOS application and have a child view controller that I am trying to reference. The child view controller is the delegate of the parent.

At the top of the parent view controller, I have: fileprivate var cameraViewController: CameraViewController<AnyObject>?

In viewDidLoad(), I have

guard let cameraController = childViewControllers.first as? CameraViewController else  {
            fatalError("Check storyboard for missing CameraViewController")

        cameraViewController = cameraController

However, I'm getting the error: Ambiguous reference to member 'first(where:)'

Can anyone explain to me why this is happening? I only have one child view controller for the parent.


  • CameraViewController needs to be the same everywhere. When I instantiated cameraViewController as a CameraViewController, that needed to be reflected in the second part of the code. The second part should look like this:

    guard let cameraController = childViewControllers.first as? CameraViewController<AnyObject> else  {
                fatalError("Check storyboard for missing CameraViewController")
            cameraViewController = cameraController