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Google Cloud Speech API

I am trying to create a script in Python which converts audio files into text. I found the module Google Cloud Speech which can easily do it for me. I found out that you need to create credentials (API key) for using their services. I tried to create credentials and it said that I have to create a billing account which requires credit card.

So, how does it work?

Is that free?

Do I have to pay to get my script work?


  • google-cloud-python is a client for Google Cloud Speech-to-Text, i.e. a library which enables you to programmatically use google's models to perform speech transcription using python ("module" is not the best term in this context). You do need to use credentials in order to authenticate yourself or your app, however, using an API key is not the only way to do so (check here for more). Now, in order to do any of that, you would have to create a google cloud project which in turns means you will have to obtain a billing account. This does not necessarily mean that you will get charged: there's a free tier which gives you $300 for 12 months (here is the FAQ for more details). You should go through the above links and then go ahead with the client libraries' quickstart.