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How to work with jpegoptim multithread, and skip fails

I use this command:

find . \( -iname '*.jpg' -o -iname '*.jpeg' \) -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 4 jpegoptim --max=70 -s

But it fails on some images (jpegoptim receive SEGFAULT) and crash xargs, and all process fail.

How to skip fails, and continue task?



  • You could wrap it up in a scriptlet, like:

    find . \( -iname '*.jpg' -o -iname '*.jpeg' \) -print0 | \
      xargs -I@ -0 -n 1 -P 4 sh -c 'jpegoptim --max=70 -s "@" || exit 0'

    , note that above won't handle some funnily named files (like e.g. with " in it).

    [update: fixed for sh -c '...' as per comments]