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getting segmentation fault when a function included nested loop and ifs returns unexpected value

I'm trying to write a simple twitter-like program and when I want to new an object of my classes I get segmentation fault error here is part of my classes:

//Tweet.hpp file
class Tweet {

   int tweetId;
   string text;
   string tweeterUser;
   int numOfLikes;
   int numOfRetweets;
   vector<string> tags;
   vector<Tweet*> commentsOrReplies;
   vector<string> mentions;
   Tweet(int _jeekId, string _text, string _user) : jeekId(_tweetId), 
   text(_text), tweeterUser(_user),
   numOfRejeeks(0), numOfLikes(0) {}
   Tweet(int _tweetId, string _user) : tweetId(_jeekId), text(" "), 
   tweeterUser(_user) {}
   ~Tweet() {}

and this is where I want to new an instance of it:

//Tweeter.hpp file
class Tweeter {
   vector<Tweet*> allTweets;
   vector<User*> allUsers;
   User* currentUser;
   Tweet* currenttweet;
   vector<User*> getUsers() { return allUsers;}
   Tweeter() {}
   ~Tweeter() {}
   void tweet(string tweetText, int uniqueId);

  //Tweeter.cpp file
  void Tweeter::tweet(string tweetText, int uniqueId) {
      int currentUserPos = findTweetPosByTweetId(allUsers, 
      // Problem is in this line :
      Tweet* j = new Tweet(uniqueId, tweetText, 
        currentTweet = j;

I'm probably sure that the problem comes from the return value of findTweetPosByTweetId() function whenever it can't find wantedTweet. which it's body is:

 int findTweetPosByTweetId(vector<Tweet*> allTweets, int 
     requestedTweetId) {
     int pos;
     for(int j = 0 ; j < allTweets.size() ; j++)
        if(allTweets[j]->getTweetId() == requestedTweetId)
            pos = j; 

return pos; 

but how can I edit it to return -1 whenever it couldn't find the Tweet, I've tried this but it was unsuccessful:

 int findTweetPosByTweetId(vector<Tweet*> allTweets, int 
     requestedTweetId) {
     int pos;
     for(int j = 0 ; j < allTweets.size() ; j++){
        if(allTweets[j]->getTweetId() == requestedTweetId)
            pos = j;
        else pos = -1;

return pos; 


  • compile with debug option on (-g for g++) , run in gdb and you will immediately have the offending line of code. If you're new to gdb (assuming you're on Linux) , use the -tui interface... makes life so much easier when navigating.

    Hope that helps.
