How do I get the http-request-session object into a graphene schema?
I have stored som values in request session that I need access thru. A possible solution is to send the session-id to the frontend and then pass it into the post request, but that does not seem like a good solution.
Graphene hast a context_value but I don't understand how I works.
Into my Django-views I put this:
schema = graphene.Schema()
schema.execute('{ viewer }', context_value={'session': request.session})
In my graphene schema if I try to do like described in the tutorial(, it says
'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'get'
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
viewer = graphene.Field(Viewer)
def resolve_viewer(self, info):
print(info.context.session.keys()) #an empty array
return Viewer()
You can access a Django session in a resolve method with info.context.session
For example
print("session:", info.context.session)
print("keys:", info.context.session.keys())
in a resolver outputs for me
session: <django.contrib.sessions.backends.db.SessionStore object at 0x7fa98e6ddac8>
keys: dict_keys(['_auth_user_id', '_auth_user_backend', '_auth_user_hash'])
Some things that you can check to debug:
make sure the session middleware is configured
if you're constructing a schema
object in Django, the format you want is result = schema.execute(query, context_value=request)
-- for more details see my answer at GraphQL queries in Django returning None