I have a process that outputs a date like this (note the padding in front of the day (4):
Mon Jun 4 17:53:42 2018
I want to get the epochal time, so I've tried:
echo "Mon Jun 4 17:53:42 2018" | xargs -0 date -j -f "%a %b %d %T %Y" +%s
This does work, but I am left with the annoying:
Warning: Ignoring 1 extraneous characters in date string (
I can live with the warning, but I've tried removing the double spacing with sed:
echo "Mon Jun 4 17:53:42 2018" | sed -E 's/\ +/\ /g'
which returns:
Mon Jun 4 17:53:42 2018
But when I try to pipe this to the date format, I get the warning again (as though sed
is not doing its thing).
The problem was not whitespace, but a newline. I removed sed
and replaced with tr -d "\n"
to remove the offending character:
echo "Mon Jun 4 17:53:42 2018" | tr -d "\n" | xargs -0 date -j -f "%a %b %d %T %Y" +%s