I'm a newbe with py2neo.
Trying to create a cypher statement to which includes some sort of selection like
query = 'MATCH (p:Person {name:"Alice"}) - [r] - b) RETURN p,r,b'
res = Graph.run(query)
I'm getting a KeyError: 'name'
Running the same query directly in neo4j shell or web client runs successfully.
I manage to run the code using the WHERE
query = ('MATCH (p:Person) - [r] - b)
WHERE p.name="Alice"
RETURN p,r,b')
res = Graph.run(query)
Is this the only option to run py2neo queries or is there a way to use the key values of the node properties?
Thank you in advance
The second node b should be enclosed by parenthesis (). I've also created a graph object from the Graph class:
from py2neo import Graph
neo4j_config = dict(
graph = Graph(**neo4j_config)
query = 'MATCH (p:Person {name:"Alice"}) - [r] - (b) RETURN p,r,b'
res = graph.run(query)