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How to log the reason that hystrix fallback method invoked

I am creating a REST client using Fiegn. I have got my calls working, but I want to log the exception whitch tigger the fallback method invoked.
Code like this:

public interface FooService {
    Foo queryFoo(Integer fooId);

public interface FooServiceFallback implements FooService {
    Foo queryFoo(Integer fooId) {
        return new Foo();

public class FooServiceConfiguration {
    public FooService() {
        return HystrixFeign.builder().[...].target(FooService.class, "http://xxx", FooServiceFallback.class);

The fallback method can be invoked when exception occurs, but noting is logged.

How to log the exception which trigger the fallback method invoked?
Like connectionTimeoutException.


  • Fallback method can take an extra argument of type Throwable, which will indicate the cause.

    For example if your method is like this

    @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "fallbackMethod")
    public String mainMethod(String s) {

    Your fallback method can be like this

    public String fallbackMethod(String s) {


    public String fallbackMethod(String s, Throwable throwable) {
         //log the cause using throwable instance

    In your case use the second one.


    If you are using HystrixFeign, this is how you do it. You should make use of FallbackFactory

    public class FooServiceFallbackFactory implements FallbackFactory<FooService> {
        public FooService create(Throwable throwable) {
            return new FooServiceFallback(throwable);

    Your fallback class would look like

    public class FooServiceFallback implements FooService {
       private final Throwable cause;
       public FooServiceFallback(Throwable cause) {
          this.cause = cause;
       Foo queryFoo(Integer fooId) {
           //You have access to cause now, which will have the real exception thrown

    Also you need to change a bit of your configuration class

    public class FooServiceConfiguration {
        public FooService() {
            return HystrixFeign.builder().[...].target(FooService.class, "http://xxx", FooServiceFallbackFactory.class);