Please consider a Scala.js library with a native dependency implemented as pure JavaScript CommonJS module.
The library includes a facade for the JavaScript dependency. As expected, the facade includes a lot of code like:
@JSImport("com", "Foo") @js.native
class Foo extends js.Object { ... }
Unfortunately, the ScalaJS-Bundler bundles Foo in a way that hides it from the global scope. The obvious fix involves adding the @JSExport annotation to the other two, but that results in a compiler error.
Why isn't js.native compatible with JSExport? What would it take to add support for @JSExport on facades?
Is any work-around available now?
on top-level classes and objects was deprecated in Scala.js 0.6.15. What you are after is actually @JSExportTopLevel
There is no fundamental reason that @JSExportTopLevel
is not compatible with @JSImport
. It isn't because of the 3 following things:
The other way to achieve the result is simply to export a val
storing the result of the import, as follows:
@JSImport("com", "Foo")
class Foo extends js.Object { ... }
// 'private' not to pollute the Scala API with this object
private object Reexports {
@JSExportTopLevel("Foo") // or another name
val Foo = js.constructorOf[Foo]
It sure is a bit more verbose if you only re-export one such import, but you can bundle as many as you want in the unique object Reexports