I've using a custom GetMailTips SOAP call (since the EWS for Core 2.0 doesn't support it) to get Out of Office info for a batch of email addresses.
How can I get the display names of the users that I am passing in the email address for?
I can call ResolveName of the managed API and that works but it has to be done one at a time and that is slow. I would like to ideally get this info out when I make my GetMailTips request and failing that make a call with all the email addresses to get the Display Names all at once. I read there is meant to be a ResolveNames method but that's not in the API either.
Any help appreciated
Autodiscover can return that for multiple users eg
AutodiscoverService adService = new AutodiscoverService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013_SP1);
adService.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user@d.com", "pass");
adService.RedirectionUrlValidationCallback = adAutoDiscoCallBack;
List<String> Users = new List<string>();
GetUserSettingsResponseCollection usrSettings = adService.GetUsersSettings(Users, UserSettingName.UserDisplayName);
foreach(GetUserSettingsResponse usr in usrSettings)
Another way would be to create a Message and add the email address as recipients then save it to the drafts folders and the address should get resolved against the GAL.