I need to capture the paste event on a custom grid however in IE11 the Ctrl + V paste event only works on Input Fields. I need it to work on a component and access it via the Window. In Chrome it works perfect.
public ngOnInit() {
window.addEventListener('paste', myCustomEvent.bind(this));
In Chrome when user clicks Ctrl+ V anywhere on the screen this fires
myCustomEvent(event) {
// gets data from clipboard and converts it to an array (1 array element for each line)
let clipboardData = event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent['clipboardData'].getData('text');
console.log('event' , event);
Create a listener event for keydown. When the user presses Ctrl+V it will fire your event. From there you can access the clipBoardData. Dont forget to import Renderer2 into your constructor
this.global = this.renderer.listen('document', 'keydown', (event) => {
if (event.ctrlKey === true && event.key === 'v') {
const clipboardData = window['clipboardData'].getData('Text');
if (clipboardData) {