I would like to loop over records, retrieve multiple properties and values for each item and then keep pushing each item as an associative array using name/value pairs into one large multidimensional array .
For example, in my loop I have 2 records, but my associate arrays keep getting written over. How can I just push associate arrays.
My code is only returning one key, although it should return two.
// loop over wordpress posts
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
$propertytype = get_field('PropertyType');
$propertyname = get_field('PropertyName');
$propertylocation = get_field('PropertyLocation');
$propertydescr = get_field('PropertyDescription');
$propertydphone = get_field('PropertyPhone');
$propertywebsite = get_field('PropertyWebsite');
$propertystatus = get_field('PropertyStatus');
$propertythumb = get_field('PropertyThumbnail');
$propertylargeimage = get_field('PropertyLargeImage');
//add each record as an associative array
$data1 = array(
'PropertyType' => $propertytype,
'PropertyName' => $propertyname,
'PropertyLocation' => $propertylocation,
'PropertyDescription' => $propertydescr,
'PropertyPhone' => $propertydphone,
'PropertyWebsite' => $propertywebsite,
'PropertyStatus' => $propertystatus,
'PropertyThumbnail' => $propertythumb,
'PropertyLargeImage' => $propertylargeimage
Define $data1
as array before you start the loop
$data1[] = []; // or array() for backwards compatibility
inside the loop
$data1[] = array(
'PropertyType' => $propertytype,
'PropertyName' => $propertyname,
'PropertyLocation' => $propertylocation,
'PropertyDescription' => $propertydescr,
'PropertyPhone' => $propertydphone,
'PropertyWebsite' => $propertywebsite,
'PropertyStatus' => $propertystatus,
'PropertyThumbnail' => $propertythumb,
'PropertyLargeImage' => $propertylargeimage