I'm trying to do a pdf file getting data from firestore using firebase functions, but now I'm getting a problem. I have this data structure:
I need to convert this struture in a json to show on pdfMake. I know that I have to use promises, but the final object doesnt appear like I expect. When I use the first layer (only field from de firsts docs), works fine, but when I try to enter these same Doc's Collection, i receive a error. I'll put the code below.
The error is that my 'second then' return before than first "then" be resolved, so my PDF File render a blank file on the screen. It doesnt show any error, but on console I can see that data is fetched after the response be returned. I need to resolve the firsts then included on the loop before send any response, but it doesnt happen
exports.helloPDF = functions.https.onRequest( (request, response) => {
try {
db.collection('lista_substituicao').get().then((lista_substituicao) =>{
let docDefinition = { //definitions will be used on pdf file
background: function () {
return [
image: 'bg.jpg',
width: 550
content: []
lista_substituicao.forEach( grupo => {
let grupoDef = {id: grupo.id, ...grupo.data()}
let tabelaGrupo = {
table: {
widths: ['*'],
body: [
[`Grupo ${grupoDef.grupo}`]
db.collection(`lista_substituicao/${grupoDef.id}/alimentos/`).get().then(alimentos =>{
let alimentosTable = {
table: {
widths: ['*'],
body: [
alimentos.forEach(alimentoDef =>{
let alimento = {id: alimentoDef.id, ...alimentoDef.data()}
return docDefinition
}).then((finalDocDefinition) =>{
console.log(finalDocDefinition) // i get undefined here
let doc = printer.createPdfKitDocument(docDefinition);
response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf');
return doc.pipe(response)
} catch (error) {
I changed the code and now its working as expected.
I did another functions whats return a json tree as I wanted. The code:
db.collection(`lista_substituicao`).get().then(lista_substituicao =>{
let grupos = []
let grupoPromisses = []
lista_substituicao.forEach(grupo => {
let grupoData = {id: grupo.id, ...grupo.data(), alimentos: []}
let promise = db.collection(`lista_substituicao/${grupo.id}/alimentos/`).get()
grupos[grupo.id] = grupoData
Promise.all(grupoPromisses).then(alimentos => {
alimentos.forEach(alimentos =>{
alimentos.forEach(alimento =>{
let idGrupo = alimento.ref.parent.parent.id
return response.status(201).json({...grupos});