I have an array of objects which looks like this:
[0]{"asin": "1234",
"title: "Test"},
[1] {"asin": "123fef4",
"title: "aaaaaaa"},
[2] {"asin": "testtet",
"title: "testt123"},
Adding the items to the array works like a charm and here is the code:
"asin": "1234",
"title": "test"
This part works okay... Now here comes the part where I need to remove the items frmo the array by ASIN property inside of it...
I have a function which looks like this:
function remove(array, element) {
const index = array.indexOf(element);
array.splice(index, 1);
console.log("Removed element: " + element);
How I call the remove function:
remove(items, "1234");
This removes the item from the list, but not the one that I want.. I checked when I pass value 1234, the item with asin value 1234 stays in the array...
What could be wrong here ? :/
You can't match a string against an object. Use findIndex like below and use the returned index.
function remove(array, element) {
const index = array.findIndex(e => e.asin === element);
array.splice(index, 1);
console.log("Removed element: " + element);