I think there's a conflict between JMS serializer and FOSRestBundle: I get an empty json object instead of id and accessToken. Am I missing some v2 documentation?
default_format: json
include_format: false
format_listener: true
view_response_listener: 'force'
json: true
html: false
json: false
enabled: true
class SecurityController extends FOSRestController
* @View(serializerGroups={"login"})
public function postLoginAction(Request $request)
// $user = MyOAuthUserResponse extends AbstractUserResponse
// before upgrade I just use: return $this->view($user);
$view = $this->view($user);
$context = new Context();
return $this->handleView($view);
* @Serializer\ExclusionPolicy("All")
class User extends BaseUser
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
* @Serializer\Expose()
protected $id;
* @var \DateTime
* @ORM\Column(name="created", type="datetime")
* @Gedmo\Timestampable(on="create")
private $created;
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
* @Serializer\Expose()
private $accessToken;
It found the issue!
In vendor/jms/serializer/src/JMS/Serializer/GraphNavigator.php:209
$exclusionStrategy = $context->getExclusionStrategy(); // Returns NULL
Which seems to work fine (before the upgrade) with:
return $this->view($user);
But since the upgrade the $exclusionStrategy returns:
JMS\Serializer\Exclusion\GroupsExclusionStrategy Object
[groups:JMS\Serializer\Exclusion\GroupsExclusionStrategy:private] => Array
[login] => 1
[nestedGroups:JMS\Serializer\Exclusion\GroupsExclusionStrategy:private] =>
In order to fix that I removed the context code I passed to the view and pass the view
to the handleview
return $this->handleView($this->view($user));
I was mistaken by this upgrade doc:
use FOS\RestBundle\Context\Context;
$view = new View();
$context = new Context();
$context = $view->getContext();