I made a batch file (start_loop.bat) with a for loop that runs another batch file (run_program.bat) and kills it after 45 mins. Here is my code:
@echo off
FOR %%A IN (1,1,100) DO (
start run_program.bat
timeout 2700
Taskkill /IM program.exe /F
timeout 3
call start_loop.bat
Everything works fine but Taskkill doesn't close the cmd window after killing the program. This is not a big deal but after a while I just end up with a lot of windows open that I don't need. Is there an option to pass to taskkill to close the window?
Also, I had to add
call start_loop.bat
at the end because after couple of loops "start_loop.bat" was ending prematurely. Is it the right way to keep it alive? Is there a better way?
Thank you
Edit after some comments:
1- the loop should run forever
2-it's fine to 'brutally' close the program running
3- the batch file works fine. The program gets killed as expected and a new instance starts as expected. Just the cmd window doesn't close
4- run_program.bat
simply runs program.exe
with some options e.g.:
program.exe option1 option2
Adding exit
at the end of the run_program.bat
did the trick. Now the window closes once the program gets killed.
Here is the code I ended up using and works great for my application:
@echo off
start run_program.bat
timeout 2700
Taskkill /IM program.exe /F
timeout 3
goto Loop
Thank you everybody for the suggestions