I am trying to do form validation in ember using ember actions.
Below is my add.js(route):
export default Route.extend({
errorMessage: '',
model() {
return this.store.createRecord('contact');
actions: {
saveContact(contact) {
if (contact.get('firstname') === undefined || contact.get('lastName') === undefined || contact.get('mobile') === undefined) {
this.set('errorMessage', `Some Fields are blank!!`);
} else {
this.set('hasBlank', false);
this.set('errorMessage', "");
contact.save().then(() => {
This is my template code:
<h1>Add Contact</h1>
<div class="full-width">
<div>{{input class="form-tag half-width" type="text" placeholder="Enter firstName" value=model.firstName}}</div>
<div>{{input class="form-tag half-width" type="text" placeholder="Enter lastName" value=model.lastName}}</div>
<div>{{input class="form-tag half-width" type="number" placeholder="Enter mobile Number" value=model.mobile}}</div>
<button class="form-button half-width" {{action 'saveContact' model}}> Add </button>
{{#if errorMessage}}
<div class="form-tag half-width">{{errorMessage}}</div>
In this template errorMessage field is not showing when there is blank form fields.But it is showing up if I am logging it in my console.
Can Somebody help me out?
Thanks in Advance
and your action saveContact
should be on the corresponding controller rather than the route. If you haven't created the corresponding controller, you can do so with ember generate controller <controller-name>
. Your controller name should correspond to the name of your route.
BTW, you will need to use transitionToRoute
rather than transitionTo
when you make that call from a controller action.