I want to know the length of one line of the user input in Fortran. Since that input can contain some trailing whitespaces, LEN_TRIM does not give the correct answer.
program test
implicit none
character(len=100) :: s
read(*, '(a)') s
write(*, '(i0)') len_trim(s)
end program test
example inputs and outputs:
input: Hello World!
output: 12
expected output: 15
(5 spaces)
output: 0
expected output: 5
Read the input one character at a time and count the number read from STDIN
program foo
character(len=100) s
integer i
i = 1
read(*,'(A1)',eor=10,advance='no') s(i:i)
i = i + 1
end do
10 print *, i - 1 ! Minus for '\n'
end program foo
will still get rid of trailing whitespace.
You can test that s(i:i) == ' '
and then set it to some
printable character.