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remove unconnected nodes R igraph or ggnet

I have a symmetric matrix that represent degree of connections among actors. I would like to cancel out the vertex unconnected.

The functions included in igraph (as delete_edges or delete_vertices) do not work for my case. I share my code

#import of matrix
matrix3<-import("matrix2a.xlsx") <- matrix2a [,1]
rownames(matrix2a) <-
matrix2a <- matrix2a %>% select(-X__1)
#I compute the maximum spanning tree graph
g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(m, mode = "upper", weighted = T, diag = F)
max_spann_tree <- mst(g, weights = -E(g)$weight)
#I obtain a network with some unconneted vertex that I would like to erase

thanks in advance for your help!


  • I am not sure what you mean "The functions included in igraph (as delete_edges or delete_vertices) do not work for my case." delete.vertices is made for precisely this purpose.

    Since you do not provide data, I will show a small example from random data. I am adding labels to the graph so that the numbering will not change when I delete the isolated vertices. I am also using an explicit layout so I can lay out the reduced graph in the same way for comparison.

    G =, 0.055)
    LO = layout_with_fr(G)
    plot(G, layout = LO)

    Graph 01

    Now identify the isolated vertices and use delete.vertices to remove them.

    Isolated = which(degree(G)==0)
    G2 = delete.vertices(G, Isolated)
    LO2 = LO[-Isolated,]
    plot(G2, layout=LO2)

    Graph 02

    The same graph but without the isolated vertices.

    If this is not what you want, please be more explicit about why it does not work for your graph.