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what are the things should be done when start work on a new module in Azure Devops?

My ASP.NET project was integrated with Microsoft VSTS. what are the steps should follow to deliver a new module in proper time manner?


  • As always, the most suitable answer is "it depends" ...

    In test-driven development, for example, you start with writing your tests and then develop against these tests.

    What I do and did in projects is getting an idea at first. I sketch it down on paper / tab s3 and try to create a visual course of what I´m trying to develop.

    If I´m satisfied with my sketches, I start building the most simple architecture to achieve my goals, although I always stick to a 3-layer-architecture with dependency injection.

    But I always follow my principle "keep IT simple", which means writing short, lean code.

    So in short, my procedure in starting a new project is:

    1. Write down what you want to achieve
    2. Sketches
    3. Architecture like DAL, Logic, Web
    4. Readable, lean code and tests: "keep IT simple"

    I don´t know what else to say to your question. Maybe you could describe your problems more precisely?