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KableExtra conditionally formatting specific rows on a column

I have just learnt KableExtra and know to how to use conditionally formating the entire column using mutate() as explained in the doc using mutate such as:

   mpg = cell_spec(mpg, background = ifelse(mpg > 20, "red", "blue"))

But what I don't know is, how to change background colours of only certain rows in each column whilst all rows are being displayed.

For example, my data:

df <- data.frame( region1 = c("A", sample(1:5,3)),
                  region2 = c("B", sample(1:5,3)),
                  region3 = c("C", sample(1:5,3)),
                  region4 = c("A", sample(1:5,3)) )

Now I want to format only second and third row. I dont want to change the color background of first and last row. These second and third row should be 'red' when above 1, or yellow when equal to 1 or green when below 1.

Some one could help me this?


  • Here's an example that ignores the first and last rows and colours according to value, like you say, but ignores letters.

    First, I load the libraries.

    # Load libraries

    Next, I create a dummy data frame.

    # Create data frame   
    df <- data.frame( region1 = c(sample(c(-5:5, letters[1:5]), 10, replace = TRUE)),
                      region2 = c(sample(c(-5:5, letters[1:5]), 10, replace = TRUE)),
                      region3 = c(sample(c(-5:5, letters[1:5]), 10, replace = TRUE)),
                      region4 = c(sample(c(-5:5, letters[1:5]), 10, replace = TRUE)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )

    Here, I define the function for formatting cells. I ignore the first and last rows and check if the character is a letter or number, then colour accordingly.

    foo <- function(x, n, nmax){
      cell_spec(x, background = ifelse(, "white",
                                       ifelse(n == nmax | n == 1, "white",
                                              ifelse(x > 1, "red",
                                                     ifelse(x < 1, "green", "yellow")))))

    Finally, I apply the function.

    df %>% 
      mutate_all(funs(foo(., n = row_number(), nmax = n()))) %>% 
      kable(escape = FALSE) %>% 