I've loans data and I want to compare sales in different years based on quarter or month
My data looks like this
disbursementdate | amount | product | cluster
2017-01-01 | 1000 | HL | West
2018-02-01 | 1000 | PL | East
So After querying, I'd ideally want the result to look like this
Quarter | 2017 | 2018
Q1 | 1000 | 0
Q2 | 100 | 1000
Similarly, it can be done for a monthly analysis as well
I'm not averse to storing data in a different format either ... can split date in different field like month quarter year
I'm struggling with query
You can use conditional aggregation:
select quarter(disbursementdate) as quarter,
sum(case when year(disbursementdate) = 2017 then amount else 0 end) as amount_2017,
sum(case when year(disbursementdate) = 2018 then amount else 0 end) as amount_2018
group by quarter(disbursementdate) ;
If you wanted year
on separate rows, you would do:
select year(disbursementdate) as year, quarter(disbursementdate) as quarter,
group by year(disbursementdate), quarter(disbursementdate) ;