I am importing a .csv file into MySQL and everything works fine, except the line breaks that are in the file.
One of my .csv rows looks like this:
42,E-A-R™ Classic™ Earplugs,ear,images/ear/classic.jpg,5%,"Proven size, shape, and foam
3M's most popular earplug
Corded and uncorded in a variety of individual packs
NRR 29 dB / CSA Class AL",312-1201,,"E-A-R™ Classic™ Uncorded Earplugs, in Poly Bag",310-1001,,E-A-R™ Classic™ Uncorded Earplugs in Pillow Pack,311-1101,,"E-A-R™ Classic™ Corded Earplugs, in Poly Bag"
The sixth field over should break into a new line when called, but it doesn't. When importing the .csv I select Lines terminated by \r. I have tried \n and auto but no luck.
Weird thing is, the field looks correct in the database with all of the appropriate breaks. If I manually go in to insert the line breaks in PHPmyadmin it prints correctly. Each field is set to UTF-8 as well.
Any ideas on this? Thanks.
edit: here is the MySQL statement
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/php89FC0F' REPLACE INTO TABLE `ohes_flyer_products`
maybe you could use fgetcsv to parse each csv line into an array and then dump that array into the database?
something along the lines of
$fd = fopen($csvfile, "r");
while ($line = fgetcsv($fd))
$sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO tablename (...) VALUES ('%s', ...)", $line[0], ...);
$res = mysql_query($sql);
note 1: code not ready for production, check SQL injections!
note 2: please, use prepared statements as using them will speed the thing a lot (or make one multi-row insert statement).
note 3: wrap all in a transaction.