I have 2 table database;
Firt table's columns;
ClubID(Primary key, auto-increment enabled), ClubName
Second table's columns;
ShowID(Primary key, auto-increment enabled), ShowDate, ClubID
User is selecting Club's name on the form, when user selected a name, dates on the table user have selected must be list on form.
Here is the code;
SqlCeConnection Conn = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source=|DataDirectory|CeoDatabase.sdf;Password=CeoDB;Persist Security Info=True");
SqlCeCommand GetDates = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT ShowDate FROM Shows INNER JOIN Shows ON Shows.ClubID = Clubs.ClubID WHERE Clubs.ClubName='" + cmb_ClubNamesList.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'", Conn);
SqlCeDataReader WriteDates= RezervasyonlariAl.ExecuteReader();
while (WriteDates.Read())
This code throws "The table aliases must be unique. [ Name of duplicate alias = Shows ]" exception on the SqlCeCommand GetDates line.
It looks like you were joining shows on itself. I think you were meaning to do this:
SELECT ShowDate FROM Shows INNER JOIN Clubs ON Shows.ClubID = Clubs.ClubID WHERE Clubs.ClubName='" + cmb_ClubNamesList.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'"