I Would like to use the Live-Charts library for windows-form and visual studio 2015 in my VB.net code in order to implement a Cartesian chart, but I couldn't find any VB.net code sample.
could someone provide me a working vb.net code sample for Cartesian chart please.
I am using VB in Visual Studio 2017 and created a WPF-App.
I assume you have installed LiveCharts and LiveCharts.WPF in your Visual Studio project using the Nuget package manager. The example below plots a cartesian bar chart with two series. The values for the first series are entered statically in the code. The second series displays dynamic data calculated by a simple equation. This should get you going.
I created a WPF window with the following XAML code:
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<lvc:CartesianChart Name="Mychart" Series="{Binding MySeriesCollection}" LegendLocation="Left" Margin="25,29,21,10">
<lvc:Axis Title="Size" Labels="{Binding MyLabels}">
<lvc:Separator IsEnabled="False" Step="1"></lvc:Separator>
<lvc:Axis Title="Frequency" LabelFormatter="{Binding MyFormatter}"></lvc:Axis>
Then in the VB code-behind I added this (No "Imports" statements needed):
Public Class Mycolumn
'---Need to declare binding properties here so that XAML can find them---
'---Remember XAML is case sensitive---
Public Property MySeriesCollection As LiveCharts.SeriesCollection
Public Property MyLabels As New List(Of String)
Public Property MyFormatter As Func(Of Double, String)
Public Sub New()
'---Create a seriescollection and add first series as a columnseries (index 0) and some static values to show---
'---The first series will show just 4 columns---
MySeriesCollection = New LiveCharts.SeriesCollection From {
New LiveCharts.Wpf.ColumnSeries With {
.Title = "Granite",
.Values = New LiveCharts.ChartValues(Of Double) From {
'---Add a second columnseries(index 1) with nothing in it yet---
MySeriesCollection.Add(New LiveCharts.Wpf.ColumnSeries With {
.Title = "Marble",
.Values = New LiveCharts.ChartValues(Of Double)})
'---Now add some dynamic values to columnseries (1) - will show 10 columns of results ---
'---These values can come from a list or array of double calculated elsewhere in the program---
For i = 1 To 10
MySeriesCollection(1).Values.Add(CDbl(i + (2 * i) ^ 2))
'---Add 10 labels to show on the x-axis---
For i = 1 To 10
'---Define formatter to change double values on y-axis to string labels---
MyFormatter = Function(value) value.ToString("N")
DataContext = Me
End Sub
End Class