after looking at a multitude of methods and posts, it is not yet clear to me how to solve this issue which seems intuitively simple. I have the following dataset with the scores of 5 players. Its sample variance is 2.98108.
Bernard | 22.66
Bernard | 27.365
Bernard | 22.814
Anton | 25.012
Anton | 23.676
Anton | 23.954
Carine | 24.722
Carine | 24.026
Carine | 24.335
Carine | 24.05
Bernard | 23.925
Bernard | 24.355
Bernard | 26.699
Carine | 27.999
David | 28.701
David | 22.57
David | 22.365
David | 25.49
David | 26.757
David | 23.878
David | 24.609
David | 22.803
Anton | 25.227
Anton | 25.348
Carine | 27.523
Carine | 28.38
Carine | 28.628
Bernard | 26.651
Bernard | 25.377
Anton | 27.767
Anton | 24.81
Anton | 24.835
Eloy | 26.672
Eloy | 25.683
Eloy | 26.657
Eloy | 24.463
Eloy | 25.808
Eloy | 25.414
Eloy | 26.044
Eloy | 25.619
I would like to determine to which extend each of the players contributed to the variance of the whole.
Anton | Bernard | Carine | David | Eloy
25.227 | 26.651 | 24.722 | 28.701 | 26.672
25.348 | 25.377 | 24.026 | 22.57 | 25.683
27.767 | 22.66 | 24.335 | 22.365 | 26.657
24.81 | 27.365 | 24.05 | 25.49 | 24.463
24.835 | 22.814 | 27.523 | 26.757 | 25.808
25.012 | 23.925 | 28.38 | 23.878 | 25.414
23.676 | 24.355 | 28.628 | 24.609 | 26.044
23.954 | 26.699 | 27.999 | 22.803 | 25.619
Note that I do not have any target variable: I am not fitting the players scores to a dependant variable. This makes it (to me) difficult to use methods like the shapley value, sklearn.feature_selection.chi2, or feature_importances_ where fit and fit_transform require a target variable.
Scikit’s PCA gives the following matrices:
-0.21261656 | 0.56000412 | -0.19875582 | 0.77420244 | -0.04791964
-0.31918083 | -0.29286871 | 0.83464075 | 0.33964441 | 0.01918345
0.50226936 | -0.55051268 | -0.21507693 | 0.50440938 | 0.37943954
0.08884174 | -0.33440461 | -0.13381735 | 0.17548621 | -0.9119091
0.76990287 | 0.4309671 | 0.44688451 | 0.00529465 | -0.14759107
0.43725481 | 0.38896865 | 0.14361466 | 0.01989021 | 0.01027166
I would like to have a result table like:
Anton | Bernard | Carine | David | Eloy
0.20195141 | 0.18162131 | 0.30601668 | 0.15273025 | 0.15768035
telling me that Carine was the biggest contributor with 30% of the total variance and so on for the remaining players.
Can I use those matrices (components and explained_variance_ratio) to infer the total contribution of each player to the total variance? If yes, how can I do it?
Since each player has exactly 8 samples of data, sum the square errors from the (overall) mean for all the samples and sum these errors first by player (8 samples each, achieving 5 numbers) and sum these 5 numbers for an overall sum. Every of the 5 numbers, divided by this total, will give you the desired value.