I have a Rails 2.3 application.
I currently have the following validations in my model:
validates_presence_of :jobno, :companyname
I have the following controller:
# POST /kases
# POST /kases.xml
def create
@company = Company.find(params[:kase][:company_id])
@kase = @company.kases.create!(params[:kase])
respond_to do |format|
UserMailer.deliver_makeakase("EMAILADDRESS", "Highrise", @kase) if params[:sendtohighrise]
UserMailer.deliver_makeakaseteam("EMAILADDRESS", "Highrise", @kase) if params[:notify_team_of_creation]
@kase.delay.create_freeagent_project(current_user) if params[:send_to_freeagent]
#flash[:notice] = 'Case was successfully created.'
flash[:notice] = fading_flash_message("Case was successfully created.", 5)
format.html { redirect_to(@kase) }
format.xml { render :xml => @kase, :status => :created, :location => @kase }
So when you try and create a new record that doesn't contain either a jobno or companyname I correctly get the following error message:
ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid in KasesController#create
Validation failed: {{errors}}
I have read about the recover ability, but I am unsure how/where to use it. I have read a few documents regarding the ability to rescue the content of the form. I am trying to make the form remain in place - with the entered content - but show an error on the form.
One of the documents I have read is here http://apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/RecordInvalid
I don't want to log the error, simply inform the user what the problem was so they can try again.
Is this possible?
def create
@company = Company.find(params[:kase][:company_id])
@kase = @company.kases.new(params[:kase])
if @kase.save
UserMailer.deliver_makeakase("EMAILADDRESS", "Highrise", @kase) if params[:sendtohighrise]
UserMailer.deliver_makeakaseteam("EMAILADDRESS", "Highrise", @kase) if params[:notify_team_of_creation]
@kase.delay.create_freeagent_project(current_user) if params[:send_to_freeagent]
redirect_to @kase
render :new