I read float numbers from float filed in SQL server 2012 and show them in html (using classic-asp and ODBC DSN) . The numbers are stored by separating dots e.g. 3.4
but when I write them into input fields it shows 3/4
. I have set input field type="mobile"
but I believe this is not the reason because the source code also shows 3/4
Database Collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI
and when I check data using SSMS it shows dot as separator.. Also in windows Regional Settings , the decimal symbol for numbers are set to dot. Which more settings I should check for this problem?
Edit: this problems happens only in windows 10. Same configuration in windows 7 shows dots.
In IIS settings in clasic ASP settings, I set the Locale ID to 1033 instead of default 0 and the problem gone however I don't know what is the meaning of 0 where I expect it to read default settings from windows locale settings.