I am trying to run the following code, compiling with IFORT 2016, linking MKL 11.3 library:
program bug
implicit none
INCLUDE 'mkl.fi'
integer*4, parameter :: Npart=25
real(kind=8) :: u(1:Npart), lapackab(1:Npart,1:Npart)
integer*4 :: i
do i=1,Npart
call DPOSV('L',Npart,1,lapackab,Npart,u,Npart,i)
write(*,*) "i=",i
end program
using the following command:
ifort -O0 -g -openmp -o file.o -c file.f90 -I/opt/share/INTEL/mkl/include
ifort -O0 -g -openmp file.o -o run -L/opt/share/INTEL/mkl/lib/ -I/opt/share/INTEL/mkl/include -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -liomp5 -lpthread -lm -ldl
for some obscure reason, the code segfaults during the DPOSV. I have no idea why. Seriously, even Valgrind does not report anything weird.. Is there anybody that had the same issue with this particular routine?
EDIT: the code works perfectly with LAPACK 3.6.1 but not with MKL 11.3. I sent a post on the Intel Support forum, but it still has to be approved by moderators..
You are linking the ILP64
version of MKL but that one is used for 64-bit integers. You are using integer*4
so your integers are 32-bit (and the default integers as well). Use the MKL link advisor to link MKL correctly. You likely need the LP64