Sorry it sounds like an homework assignment but I need this feature for a dll I'm implementing in our project.
for (string strLine; std::getline(filein, strLine);)
int iSum = 0;
for (const auto& c : strLine)
iSum += static_cast<int>(c);
int iRand = iSum % 101;
using namespace std;;
fileout << strLine << "\t" << iSum << "\t" << iRand << endl;
I run this on a 1000 random strings. The results are not uniform. This is not a surprise since my mapping function is embarrassing.
I tried looking at Pseudo-random number generation and kinda got lost.
Why not just use the built-in std::hash
#include <string>
#include <functional>
std::hash<std::string> hasher;
iRand = hasher(strLine) % 101; // iRand will be in [0,100] range