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Why is Vec::len a method instead of a public property?

I noticed that Rust's Vec::len method just accesses the vector's len property. Why isn't len just a public property, rather than wrapping a method around it?

I assume this is so that in case the implementation changes in the future, nothing will break because Vec::len can change the way it gets the length without any users of Vec knowing, but I don't know if there are any other reasons.

The second part of my question is about when I'm designing an API. If I am building my own API, and I have a struct with a len property, should I make len private and create a public len() method? Is it bad practice to make fields public in Rust? I wouldn't think so, but I don't notice this being done often in Rust. For example, I have the following struct:

pub struct Segment {
    pub dol_offset: u64,
    pub len: usize,
    pub loading_address: u64,
    pub seg_type: SegmentType,
    pub seg_num: u64,

Should any of those fields be private and instead have a wrapper function like Vec does? If so, then why? Is there a good guideline to follow for this in Rust?


  • One reason is to provide the same interface for all containers that implement some idea of length. (Such as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator.)

    In the case of Vec, len() is acting like a getter:

    impl<T> Vec<T> {
        pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    While this ensures consistency across the standard library, there is another reason underlying this design choice...

    This getter protects from external modification of len. If the condition Vec::len <= Vec::buf::cap is not ever satisfied, Vec's methods may try to access memory illegally. For instance, the implementation of Vec::push:

    pub fn push(&mut self, value: T) {
        if self.len == self.buf.cap() {
        unsafe {
            let end = self.as_mut_ptr().offset(self.len as isize);
            ptr::write(end, value);
            self.len += 1;

    will attempt to write to memory past the actual end of the memory owned by the container. Because of this critical requirement, modification to len is forbidden.


    It's definitely good to use a getter like this in library code (crazy people out there might try to modify it!).

    However, one should design their code in a manner that minimizes the requirement of getters/setters. A class should act on its own members as much as possible. These actions should be made available to the public through methods. And here I mean methods that do useful things -- not just a plain ol' getter/setter that returns/sets a variable. Setters in particular can be made redundant through the use of constructors or methods. Vec shows us some of these "setters":


    Thus, Vec implements algorithms that provide access to the outside world. But it manages its innards by itself.