i just can't find it anywhere, so i'd appreciate and help on this :=)
I read about it, and it should be possible, for instance,
I want to set a Dollar price for an App@ 3,99 USD, while the price in Euros is just 2,49 (about) €
So that the values fit, and there isn't something like 3,74 USD ;=) (maybe it frightens some customers ;=P)
Would be great if anyone could tell me where to set this in the Android Developer Console?
Thanks a lot, best regards, Mike
Unfortunately I believe this feature is not yet available for you. It is currently only available in the US. Below excerpts are taken from my documentation:
Over the next few months, Android Market will be transitioning towards offering
applications priced in the buyer's home currency, rather than the merchant's
(developer's) home currency. This feature will be rolling out in stages,
country by country. As an Android Market merchant, you will be notified by email
when we are ready to release the feature in your locale and action is required from
you -- at that time you must visit the Developer Console and and set prices for your
apps in all available currencies.
If you have not received an email, it is not available in your market yet.
This feature is not available in all countries and currencies at this time. Currently
only US merchants are able to set prices in EUR, CAD, CHF, DKK, GBP, NOK and SEK currencies.