In the default TFS setup there are three work item types: scenario, task and bug. That last one is quite straightforward, and task also: it's a specific job for a team member to complete. But I think scenario is a bit vague.
I usually create a scenario for larger and more general units of work: for example "Create functionality to add employee lines to an employer." Smaller, more specific work items would then be tasks, for example: "Create detail form.", "Create save method on server.", etc
When I check in changes I link the changeset to the scenario AND to the specific task. Is this a good habit? How do you deal with tasks and scenarios? Any resources to best practices?
I've also heard scenarios are actually meant for use cases, is this so?
Scenarios can be any user story.
You only need to check in to the task. When tasks are created, they should be linked to a Scenario first, before assigned to developers.
That way the association between checkins and scenario is automatic (and reportable).
No point double handling