IDE: Delphi XE6.
My main form creates another form and that form creates an instance of TFormZoom
. All seems to work flawlessly.
I just want to be sure my procedure of nulling a pointer in FormClose
is not distorting some inner workings of Delphi.
procedure TFormZoom.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
Action := caFree;
// if I did not set it to nil here, the next time I would create this form I would get
// EAccessViolation, because my other code checks for this form <> nil ...
FormZoom := nil;
I am now thinking about, whether this approach is good. I don't get any compilation, nor run-time errors, this question is just a technicality.
If you set a breakpoint at the end;
of TFormZoom.FormClose
, and use F8 to step into the VCL code that called your onclose
event handler, you'll see that it was called from TCustomForm.DoClose
which was previously called from TCustomForm.Close
. At that point in time, the following code can be seen (in Delphi 10.2.3)
if CloseAction <> caNone then
if Application.MainForm = Self then Application.Terminate
else if CloseAction = caHide then Hide
else if CloseAction = caMinimize then WindowState := wsMinimized
else Release;
Because you set the Action var to caFree
, it means the form's .Release
will be called by the VCL code. My conclusion is: setting the global var FormZoom to nil, will not cause any problems.