I am in new probability. Please have me. We have 3 identical 6-sided dices. We role one dice first and the remaining 2 dices after that. What is the probability that the point obtained in the first roll is greater than the sum of points obtained in the second roll?
Since the total number of possibilities is quite small, 6**3, we can simply enumerate them all and count the number of events we are interested in:
import itertools as IT
hits = 0
for roll in IT.product(range(1,7), repeat=3):
if roll[0] > roll[1] + roll[2]:
hits += 1
print(roll, roll[1]+roll[2])
total = 6**3
print('Probability of first roll > sum of 2 rolls: {}/{} ~= {:.2%}'
Probability of first roll > sum of 2 rolls: 20/216 ~= 9.26%
(Corrected based on Aniket Rangrej's solution).