python list's remove method has some issues. I have attached the code below. The code does not remove all elements with length less than 3
result=[['10'], ['5'], ['6'], ['12'], ['9'], ['10'], ['5', '9', '10'],
['5', '10'], ['13'], ['9', '10'], ['1']]
for i in result:
if len(i)<=2:
print (result)
The result prints as [['5'], ['12'], ['10'], ['5', '9', '10'], ['12']] Any help is really welcomed and appreciated
The problem is, that you are manipulating the list while iterating over it. You better create a filtered copy of the result list:
result=[['10'], ['5'], ['6'], ['12'], ['9'], ['10'], ['5', '9', '10'], ['5', '10'], ['13'], ['9', '10'], ['1']]
filtered_result = []
for i in result:
if len(i)>2:
Or for example using filter
result = filter(lambda x: len(x)>2, result)
You could also use list comprehension:
result = [x for x in result if len(x)>2]