I have a table with multiple rows and columns. One of the columns has different numbers that repeat several times. How can I create a new astropy table which only stores the rows with the column that repeats a number more than, say, 3 times?
Notice that 0129 repeats 3 times in column c, 2780 repeats 4 times in column c. I'd like my code to then create the new table:
modified table
I'm using the astropy module and specifically:
from astropy.table import Table
I am assuming I need to use a for loop to accomplish this task and ultimately the command
Big picture, what I am trying to accomplish is this:
if column_c_value repeats >=3:
Thank you for your help! I'm kind of stuck here and would greatly appreciate insight.
You can use the Table grouping functionality:
In [2]: t = Table([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
...: [10, 11, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 12]],
...: names=['a', 'id'])
In [3]: tg = t.group_by('id')
In [4]: tg.groups
Out[4]: <TableGroups indices=[0 3 5 7 8]>
In [6]: tg.groups.keys
<Table length=4>
In [7]: np.diff(tg.groups.indices)
Out[7]: array([3, 2, 2, 1])
In [8]: tg
<Table length=8>
a id
int64 int64
----- -----
1 10
3 10
4 10
2 11
5 11
6 12
8 12
7 13
In [9]: ok = np.zeros(len(tg), dtype=bool)
In [10]: for i0, i1 in zip(tg.groups.indices[:-1], tg.groups.indices[1:]):
...: if (i1 - i0) >= 3:
...: ok[i0:i1] = True
...: tg3 = tg[ok]
...: tg3
<Table length=3>
a id
int64 int64
----- -----
1 10
3 10
4 10
In [12]: for tgg in tg.groups:
...: if len(tgg) >= 2:
...: print(tgg) # or do something with it
a id
--- ---
1 10
3 10
4 10
a id
--- ---
2 11
5 11
a id
--- ---
6 12
8 12