The output layer of my Keras functional model is a tensor x
of dimension (None, 1344, 2)
. I wish to extract n < 1344
entries from within 2nd dimension of x
and create a new tensor y
of size (None, n, 2)
It seems straight-forward to extract n
consecutive entries by simply accessing x[:, :n,:]
, but (seemingly) difficult if the n
indices are non-consecutive. Is there a clean way in Keras to do so?
Here are my approaches so far.
Experiment 1 (Slicing a tensor, consecutive indices, works):
print('My tensor shape is', K.int_shape(x)) #my tensor
(None, 1344, 2) # as printed in my code
print('Slicing first 5 entries, shape is', K.int_shape(x[:, :5, :]))
(None, 5, 2) # as printed in my code, works!
Experiment 2 (Indexing tensor at arbitrary indices, fails)
print('My tensor shape is', K.int_shape(x)) #my tensor
(None, 1344, 2) # as printed in my code
foo = np.array([1,2,4,5,8])
print('arbitrary indexing, shape is', K.int_shape(x[:,foo,:]))
Keras returns the following error:
ValueError: Shapes must be equal rank, but are 1 and 0
From merging shape 1 with other shapes. for 'strided_slice_17/stack_1' (op:
'Pack') with input shapes: [], [5], [].
Experiment 3 (Tensor flow backend function)
I have also tried K.backend.gather
but its usage is unclear because 1) Keras documentation states that the indices should be a tensor of integers and there is no Keras equivalent of numpy.where
if my goal is to extract entries in x
satisfying a certain condition and 2) K.backend.gather
appears to extract entries from axis = 0
whereas I want to extract from the second dimension of x
You are looking for tf.gather_nd which will index based on an index array:
# From documentation
indices = [[0, 0], [1, 1]]
params = [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]
output = ['a', 'd']
To use it in a Keras model make sure to wrap it in a Layer like Lambda